Monthly Donor Pledge Match!

Monthly Donor Pledge Match!

October 25, 2022

We have been blessed with a match to all NEW monthly donors!

New monthly donor gifts will be matched for all of 2022, not just one month, but every month you give! All donations are tax deductible and your support will go directly to supporting the spread of the Gospel both locally and globally. If you feel led to partner with The Living Water you can mail checks to 8014 Cumming HWY, Suite 403-290 Canton, Ga 30115 or give through our website at

WOW God has been so good! We are so close to reaching our goal of $10,000 in new monthly donations! we still need to raise $1,335 to fully reach our goal for this year!

Will you consider donating $10, $25, $50 or whatever The Lord lays on your heart to give?

  • $10 helps us provide Bibles to those who do not have one.
  • $25 will support our local Bible studies reaching high school and college students in the North Georgia region.
  • $50 a month supports one student in Tanzania through the 6 month Potter's Center training - so $50 a month will ultimately support 2 students over a 12 month period!

We love and appreciate every one of you. Thank you for your support of The Living Water. Thank you for all you do to support this ministry work!


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